
Sep 7, 2021

Classic Cars, Clocks and Charity!

Ever since the start of Clock9nine, we have been looking for a way to give back to the community. We wanted to do thi...

Jun 29, 2021

How it all started

It all started when I decided to pull the old nylon toothed gear set out of my 78 Lincoln Continental while rebuilding the engine. I didn't want to through the timing set away, it just looked too cool! I also wanted to keep it to show everyone what a bad mistake this was for Lincoln.

Jun 27, 2021

New products! (and a sneak peak at future clocks)

This red white and blue design is currently released for Clock9nine's first 4th of July celebration.

Feb 15, 2021

Video Review by Hardcity Raindrops

Will at Hardcity Raindrops wanted to do an unboxing of one of these clocks. I ended up giving it to him as he went above and beyond and made a really cool short movie/ unboxing review.
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