New products! (and a sneak peak at future clocks) | Clock9nine

New products! (and a sneak peak at future clocks)

New designs!

This red, white, and blue design is currently listed for Clock9nine's First 4th of July celebration. We rarely ever post sales, but this will be on sale 4th of July Weekend ONLY!

Red White and blue, 4th of July Clock, Car Clock

Two other color releases to note are the hanging, non-rotating style Chevy small block wall clocks in Chevy Blue and Chevy Orange.

Chevy Blue hanging timing set wall clockChevy small block chevy orange wall clock, made from small block timing set

Future Designs

I know many of you have been asking about different designs. We see and listen to all of your input and have a tally of what you would all like the most. 

Main asks have been:

  1. Pete Jackson gear drive (coming soon, designing this to eliminate pinch points is no easy task)                                                                 Pete Jackson Gear Drive Clock
  2. Toyota Supra Dual overhead cam (2JZ) style. This one is in the works but is another tricky design. It is a belt drive, so it will need to be fairly tight, but still have a spring action to relieve tension in case of misplaced fingers.    Supra Clock Dual overhead Rotating design
  3. Other import cars. There are some that are possible (in the case of the Toyota Supra style clock), and then some that are just not feasible (think boxer engine). If you have any ideas of specific designs you would like to see, please contact us about it!
  4. The forbidden fruit, or... Harley. This one is very often asked about as a clock design. I would love to build a rotating Harley Cam gear and chain style clock, but upon looking up Harley cam sets priced around $450, its just not something I could make work. If you have a stockpile of old Harley Cam sets though, contact us and we can work something out!
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1 comment

  • Do yall make a Toyota Truck clock. Like a 80 model Toyota??

    Dave Arthur

    Dave Arthur

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