Ever since the start of Clock9nine, we have been looking for a way to give back to the community. We wanted to do this in a creative way. Being a small family business, we can't afford to give away a lot of profit, so we had to find a way to amplify the charity, to make our contributions multiply while they are handed out.
Well we finally found a creative way to do exactly that! Clock9nine has begun partnering with car shows, whose main goal is charity fundraising, by donating clocks for both prizes and raffle giveaways.
I was initially approached by Michael Harding of Champion Cooling. He mentioned they have their 4th annual car show coming up in California. (see it here!)
Show #1
Michael from Champion Cooling mentioned that they would like to have a clock to raffle off at their show and give the proceeds to a charity. I was ecstatic to be working with them to help raise money for charity. Also just being contacted by someone from Champion Cooling was awesome on its own. If you are anywhere near California, you have to check out the show! (FB page). They raffle off many items during the show EFI systems, Valve Covers, Billet Hinges, Carburetors etc.
Show #2
The second show we will have a clock at is the Goombah's Car Club (14th Annual Car show!) on Sep 12th in San Jose California. Tracy Denis reached out to me and mentioned they would love to have a clock at their event for a raffle or giveaway. They also donate all proceeds to the Second Harvest Food Bank. Tracy also has a website which he sells truck tailgate parts for Chevy C10 Trucks.
Goombah's Car show poster for the year:
Show #3
Dustin Williams of Classic Auto Rides has five of these clocks they will be giving away as the top 5 placement prizes for their show Cruisin' For a Cause in Buford, GA. If you are nearby, you have to check the show out. You will have the opportunity to win LS and 350 crate motors! (see FB event here).
Show #4
The 4th show we are happy to have a clock at is the 3rd Annual Eddie Laster Memorial car show in Bristol, TN on Sep 26th. They raise money to buy supplies for their local cancer center. Free for Spectators!! (Show FB Page here).
Show #5
The last show (for this year) we had a clock at was The Walton Hills Lake Club Car Show in Walton Hills, Ohio. Michelle mentioned that they host several fundraising events throughout the year and this year was the first they had a Car Show/ Vendor fair called Fenders and Vendors. If you are near Ohio, you have to check it out next year! Here is a photo of this years winner of one of our Big Block clocks, Den and Carole Kuehn and their 1939 Studebaker Commander.
To all the participating car show hosts, thank you for finding a way to have fun, support our family business, and give back to the community. We look forward to having our clocks at your shows in the following years!
I make trophies for a car show in our community that raises money for St Judes. Would we qualify for a clock to raffle off? We are in Star MS and this show has been going on for several years and grows every year.
Hey Matthew -
Love your clocks! We do a Race For Time Car Show to benefit Oklahoma Children fighting cancer. It is a grass-roots effort run by a core of 4 volunteers, who enlist the help of others to treat Oklahoma Children fighting cancer to a fun weekend of racing and cars. I wondered if we might purchase one of your clocks to auction off at our event ? What would the cost be? Race4time.org is our new (this year and still adding content) website if you want to ta a look. I look forward to hearing from you! Best always, Theresa Green, Volunteer, Co-chair Race For Time to Beat Childhood Cancer
Hello, I am with the Williamsport Vol. Fire Dept. I am a 30 year member with the department, and for all those years we done a bingo both at our county fair as a fund raiser. It was great PR for us but not a lot of money. I grew up in the hot Rod and car show seen, so four years ago I talked the department into trying something new….a car show. This year will be our fifth year and it is growing a lot faster than I anticipated. We went from 60 cars our first year to a 150 last year. We have turned it into something that people from all overate starting to talk about. I would love to be able to raffle one of your gorgeous clocks off at this year’s event in September. You can check us out at warrencountymotorama.com